The Prettiest MLP Wallpaper ever!
Rarity, as pretty as ever
All hail The Great and Powerful Rarity!
It's Rarity's turn to troll!
Rarity in the Dragon's layer (Smog?)
Rarity's message to her haters.
The vote Rarity poster made by Equestria-Election
Rarity in Crystal pony form.
Rarity dressed as Princess Platinum in Heart Warming Eve episode.
Royal Rarity by rachethun.
Rarity wallpaper by utterlyludicrous.
Rarity alternate dress fan art by implatinum.
Rarity Christmas Pony fan art by krisunen.
Rarity crystallized background wallpaper.
Rarity armoured fan art by dashin-stallion.
Rarity armoured and armed with bow and arrow wallpaper fan art by tjtreece.
Rarity Christmas Pony fan art by sakatagintoki117.
Rarity crystallized wallpaper fan art by midnight-jasper.
Rarity wallpaper fan art by aman692.
Rarity Gala Fashion Dress fan art by selinmarsou.
Rarity vector faces wallpaper fan art by overmare.
Rarity wallpaper fan art by overmare.
Rarity wallpaper fan art by overmare.
Rarity drinking her strawberry milkshake with her scarf on
Rarity likes to wear the Fire Ruby necklace she's made.
Rarity and her human counterpart
Rarity posing in her own jeweled tiara
Human version of Rarity, with a Pokémon Trainer sprite of Rarity, redrawn.
Even pretty characters like Rarity can wear pigtails.
Rarity in Cupcakes 2: Life of Death
"Sisterhood, sisterhood, the most important thing..."
In the oven, the mighty oven...
Rarity doesn't like Sweetie Belle's new hairstyle.
It's hard working for one of the top designers in fashion.
Counfound these Derelles! They drive me out of beauty sleep!
Sweetie Belle and Rarity give Opal a bath.
Rarity licks her little sister
Rarity and Sweetie Belle.
Somebody's having a bad night.
Rarity and Opalescence cuddling up
Rarity on the bottom left
A chart comparing the toy models
The mane six... toys, dressed up in their gala finery
Rarity surrounded by zombie ponies.
Rarity and friends has been Pinkamena Diane Pie.
Rarity and her friends as the new Royal Guards.
Mane 6 ponies's wallpaper.
Rarity as an Admiral of the Ponyville's fleet that command battle royal pony ship.
Rarity and friends in Vietnam War.
Rarity and Applejack winter dress art by whitediamond.
Rarity and Twilight mane changing spells.
Rarity and Pinkie Pie recolor.
Rarity and Vinyl Scratch shipping.
Vampire blank flank Rarity and Fluttershy artist=scootscoots.
Rarity and Christmas ponies fan art by reikomuffin.
Rarity and Lyra shipping fan art by faith-wolff.
Kydose rescues Rarity from a fate worse than death.
Rarity and Kydose celebrate their one-year anniversary.
hes so charming and handsome
Rarity (Princess Platinum) wallpaper fan art by paradigm-zero.
Rarity hug Spike fan art by prinzeburnzo.
Rarity with Carmen Sandiego by Gennbu
Nice new-looking necklace!
Rarity and Master Splinter
Equestria Girls kawaii style
Rarity wearing the Fire Ruby necklace and an updo
Paradise with Spike, a lot of ponies and humans
The original Sparkler (1984) with Rarity (2010)
They really put the "rare" in "Rarity".
Rarity, the Goddess of Generosity
Rarity kissing Mike Sniper
Rarity hugging Mike Sniper
Wearing a Ravenclaw scarf
Epic Mickey animatronic Fluttershy and Rarity
Punk-Style Rarity_Human Version