My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki
My Little Ace Attorney: Elements of Justice
Elements of Justice 2024 poster
Official 2024 poster art by Nosebleed and SilverFeathers
Creator(s) TheAljavis
Date added June 5, 2019
Duration 28:01:28
(as of case 3-5)
Status In-progress
Voices Listed below
Type/genre Courtroom drama
Based on Ace Attorney

My Little Ace Attorney: Elements of Justice is a video series created by TheAljavis. It is a crossover between My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and the Ace Attorney video game series and a fan-made sequel to the My Little Pony/Ace Attorney crossover series Turnabout Storm. Eight years after the events of Turnabout Storm, Phoenix Wright is summoned to Equestria once again to solve the mystery behind a recent string of murders.

Chronologically, the series takes place after season four of My Little Pony and the fifth Ace Attorney game Dual Destinies. Like Turnabout Storm, Elements of Justice takes after the Ace Attorney series' visual novel style and incorporates original character sprites and voice acting. Aside from the prospective video format, the creator is also making the series available in text format.

Elements of Justice is set to be comprised of five cases: "Turnabout Theatre", "Crusading for a Turnabout", "Turnabout Discharge", "A Turnabout for Brotherhood" and "The Turnabouts of Friendship". Turnabout Storm creator NeoArtimus is not involved with the sequel but has wished TheAljavis good luck with his project.

In August 2023, TheAljavis left the project, and then-assistant director Benjamin Dale took over as project lead. As of September 2024, Levi Francis is the series director.


8 years after being summoned to Equestria, Phoenix Wright, along with Athena Cykes, Apollo Justice, and Trucy Wright, have been summoned to Equestria again. Twilight Sparkle, now an alicorn with the title, Princess of Friendship, was the one who summoned them, because murder is happening in Equestria again.

Phoenix and his friends will join Twilight and her friends as they defend the innocent ponies who were framed, and try to solve the mystery of why more and more murders have been occurring in the land of Equestria. Could it be a coincidence, or is there a dark entity looming around these murders?


Main characters[]

  • Phoenix Wright - The senior practicing defense attorney of the Wright Anything Agency. An experienced lawyer known for his bluffing and ability to pull off impossible comebacks in the courtroom. Was previously summoned to Equestria to defend Rainbow Dash when she was accused of murder. His magatama allows him to see when others are keeping secrets from him, manifesting in the form of Psyche-Locks.
  • Twilight Sparkle - The Element of Magic and newly coronated Princess of Friendship. A booksmart Alicorn who is studying Equestrian law and has once again summoned Phoenix to Equestria to help defend her friends in court. Appears to be hiding something about why exactly she summoned Phoenix and his friends to Equestria this time.
  • Apollo Justice - A defense attorney at the Wright Anything Agency under Phoenix's employ, known for his "Chords of Steel". Has the ability, augmented by his bracelet, to detect subtle, subconscious movements and nervous habits in others when they lie.
  • Athena Cykes - A rookie defense attorney and recent addition to the Wright Anything Agency who specializes in analytical psychology. She applies both legal and psychological skills to her court cases and uses a program called the Mood Matrix, operated by her personal AI companion Widget, to analyze testimonies and identify emotional anomalies.
  • Trucy Wright - Phoenix's adopted daughter and a skilled stage magician who comes from a well-known family of magicians. Working out of the Wright Anything Agency, she sometimes assists Phoenix, Apollo, and Athena in their investigations.

Supporting characters[]

  • Rarity - The Element of Generosity. A high-class unicorn who works as a fashion designer at Carousel Boutique.
  • Rainbow Dash - The Element of Loyalty. An athletic Pegasus, member of the Wonderbolts Reserve, and part of Ponyville's weather team. Phoenix previously defended her in court when she was accused of murder.
  • Pinkie Pie - The Element of Laughter. A hyperactive Earth pony who works as a baker and party planner.
  • Fluttershy - The Element of Kindness. A very shy Pegasus who works as an animal caretaker.
  • Applejack - The Element of Honesty. A straight-laced Earth pony and hard-working member of the Apple family at Sweet Apple Acres.
  • Spike - Twilight's number-one assistant. A young dragon who can send letters with his fire breath.
  • Judge - The unnamed judge who presides over most of Phoenix and company's court cases. Like Phoenix, he was also previously summoned to Equestria to preside over Rainbow Dash's trial.

Original characters[]

  • Sonata - A defense attorney and former blackmailing manager of the corrupt Pegasus athlete Ace Swift. She was inspired by Phoenix after the events of Turnabout Storm to turn her life around and became a lawyer to help others.
  • Equity - The senior leader of the Equestrian High Council, with the title and rank of "Lawkeeper". Appears to harbor an intense grudge against Equestria's royals and has cynical views about the values of friendship and trust.
  • Philo Reed - The director of the Equestrian Bureau of Investigation (EBI), a member of the Equestrian High Council, and Private Eye's senior colleague. He is the lead detective assigned to investigate Overall Concept's death and Stream Line's poisoning. Slightly flirtatious, somewhat eccentric, a firm believer in justice and truth, and thoroughly devoted into looking for answers in a case.
  • Atticus - The Lawkeeper prior to Equity.
  • Sterling Spade - A member of the Canterlot Royal Guard. Friends with Cinnamon Swirl. Credited as "Guard #1".
  • Cinnamon Swirl - A member of the Canterlot Royal Guard. Friends with Sterling Spade. Revealed in Bonds of Justice #4 to have a crush on Applejack. Credited as "Guard #3".
  • "Ash Tray" - A member of the Canterlot Royal Guard. A particularly aggressive and nasty pony who appears to take pleasure in putting others down, including the Mane Six. Real name unknown; his fellow guards call him by nickname only. Credited as "Guard #2".

Case-centric characters[]

Turnabout Theatre
  • Coco Pommel - The defendant. A soft-spoken costume designer at the Bridleway Theatre, accused of murdering Overall Concept.
  • Prince Blueblood - The prosecutor. A pompous and egotistical unicorn and Princess Celestia's far-removed nephew who is only using the position of prosecutor for the status and authority.
  • Overall Concept - The victim. A costume designer at the Bridleway Theatre who Coco was noted to be very close with prior to his death.
  • Playwright - The director and head writer of stage plays at the Bridleway Theatre. An extreme perfectionist when it comes to his plays.
  • Suri Polomare - A Manehattan costume designer and Coco's former boss who harbors a grudge against both her and Rarity.
Crusading for a Turnabout
  • Scootaloo - The defendant. A member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Rainbow Dash's surrogate younger sister, accused of murdering Royal Order.
  • Princess Luna - The prosecutor. One of the Alicorn princesses of Equestria and Princess Celestia's younger sister. As "Princess of the Night", she holds dominion over the moon in the night sky and can travel into ponies' dreams while they sleep.
  • Royal Order - The victim. A dutiful member of the Canterlot Royal Guard, Turning Page's father, and Fair Devotion's husband.
  • Turning Page - Royal Order and Fair Devotion's son. A young colt who dreams of becoming an officer of the Royal Guard like his father and became friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders after saving them from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's bullying.
  • Apple Bloom - A member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Applejack's younger sister. She helps in the investigation of Royal Order's murder in order to save Scootaloo.
  • Sweetie Belle - A member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Rarity's younger sister. Appears to be hiding some manner of involvement in the case based on her strange behavior.
  • Diamond Tiara - A filly who frequently picks on the Cutie Mark Crusaders for being "blank flanks". Daughter of Filthy Rich, owner of Rich's Barnyard Bargains. Friends with Silver Spoon.
  • Silver Spoon - A filly who also picks on the Crusaders but appears to have more standards. Her parents are doctors at the Ponyville Hospital. Friends with Diamond Tiara.
  • Zecora - A zebra apothecary who came to Equestria from a distant land to advance her potion-making skills. Lives in the Everfree Forest.
  • Private Eye - A Canterlot detective with the EBI appointed by Princess Celestia to lead the investigation of Royal Order's murder. Prides himself on being an upstanding gentlecolt.
  • Fair Devotion - Royal Order's widow and Turning Page's mother. Works as a substitute teacher at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' school.
  • Sugar Stamp - A bubbly and cheerful Pegasus who works as a mail courier.
Turnabout Discharge
  • Trixie Lulamoon - The prosecutor in Overall Concept's trial. A flashy and boastful stage magician. Previously served as the prosecutor in Rainbow Dash's trial in Turnabout Storm but has somewhat matured since then.
  • Estella Pantomimia - The victim in Overall Concept's trial. A prominent Manehattan costume designer whose designs earned her the nickname "The Stellar Designer". Was known to friends as "Stella".
  • Espie Pantomimia - Estella's twin sister. Mysteriously disappeared after her sister's murder.
  • Princess Celestia - The judge in Overall Concept's trial. One of the Alicorn princesses of Equestria and Princess Luna's older sister. As the "Princess of the Sun", she controls the movement of the sun in the sky.
  • Fated Pursuit - A member of the Equestrian High Council, with the title of "Headmistress". A former teacher/superintendent in Equestria's educational system.
  • Spitfire - The captain of the Wonderbolts and head of the Wonderbolts Academy.
  • Stream Line - The victim in Rainbow Dash's trial. A member of the Wonderbolts Reserves who Rainbow Dash shows animosity towards and is believed to have been poisoned during training.
  • Amber Gleam - An investigative photojournalist. Has a rather flirtatious personality but passionate about her line of work.
  • Cruise Control - A talented flyer and athlete. Was blackmailed by Ace Swift during the events of Turnabout Storm in order to get his little sister proper medical care.

Cameo characters[]

  • Simon Blackquill - An overly serious prosecutor with a twisted psychological mind and former death row inmate. A childhood friend of Athena's, he was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of Athena's mother, but Phoenix, Apollo, and Athena's efforts cleared him of all charges.


Case title Episode title Premiere date Duration Transcript
Turnabout Theatre 1-1 The Troubled Production June 5, 2019 56:16 Available
1-2 A Princely Sum August 7, 2020 2:08:50 Available
1-3 Curtain Call December 12, 2020 2:08:15 Available
Crusading for a Turnabout 2-1 The Crusade Begins May 1, 2021 1:33:24 Available
2-2 Why The Caged Bird Sings May 15, 2021 1:22:33 Available
2-3 Striped Sonnets November 4, 2021 2:31:53 Available
2-4 A Timely Arrival January 30, 2022 2:28:46 Available
2-5 Stop All the Clocks May 14, 2022 1:18:40 Available
2-6 Leap of Faith June 24, 2022 1:51:21 Available
2-7 By Fair Means or Foul September 17, 2022 1:28:35 Available
2-8 A Winding Route November 26, 2022 2:02:41 Available
2-9 The Resolve of Athena Cykes May 27, 2023 2:16:51 Available
Turnabout Discharge 3-1 Hindsight and Foresight January 20, 2024 55:50 Available
3-2 Skeletons in the Closet February 17, 2024 1:13:04 Available
3-3 A Gleam of Uncertainty April 20, 2024 1:10:03 Available
3-4 Transpositional May 18, 2024 1:14:54 Available
3-5 Means, Motive, and Causation July 21, 2024 1:19:32 Available

Voice cast[]

Turnabout Theatre[]

My Little Pony
Character 1-1 1-2 1-3
Twilight Sparkle TheEmogak Wubcake
Rainbow Dash BasicallyBB
Fluttershy Corinne Rydell
Pinkie Pie Otiscat123 Otiscat123
Rarity TheEmogak Otiscat123
Applejack Gina Moravec
Coco Pommel Adoxographist PrettyPegasusWings
Suri Polomare Adoxographist
Prince Blueblood ᵗʰᵉNight★Star
Ace Attorney
Character 1-1 1-2 1-3
Phoenix Wright JuliusGem
Apollo Justice Webshoter
Athena Cykes Adoxographist
Trucy Wright Kalyn_VO
Judge DaWillstanator
Original characters
Character 1-1 1-2 1-3
Playwright DJ Zapple
Sonata CadetRedShirt
Royal Order Everett Toews
Incidental characters
Character Episode(s) Voiced by
Guards 1-1 JuliusGem, TheAljavis
Bailiffs 1-2 DestroVA
Gallery Ponies 1-2 Levi Francis, DJ Zapple, Otiscat123

Crusading for a Turnabout[]

My Little Pony
Character 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9
Twilight Sparkle PrincessRil MLP Arts
Rainbow Dash BasicallyBB MLP Arts Muse-
Fluttershy Basically-
Pinkie Pie PrettyPegasus-
Rarity MLP Arts MLP Arts MLP Arts
Applejack CadetRedShirt CadetRedShirt Cadet-
Apple Bloom MLP Arts MLP Arts
Scootaloo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Sweetie Belle MLP Arts
Diamond Tiara Pretty-
PrettyPegasusWings Pretty-
Silver Spoon MLP Arts MLP Arts MLP Arts
Princess Luna GoddessLevel1 GoddessLevel1
Zecora PrettyPegasusWings Pretty-
Ace Attorney
Character 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9
Phoenix Wright JuliusGem
Apollo Justice Webshoter
Athena Cykes Adoxographist
Trucy Wright Kalyn_VO
Judge DaWillstanator DaWillstanator
Widget Adoxographist Adoxographist
Simon Blackquill James
Original characters
Character 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9
Sonata Cadet-
CadetRedShirt CadetRedShirt
Turning Page Optic Rainfall Optic Rainfall
Private Eye Pretzel-
Fair Devotion Overgrowth Overgrowth
Sugar Stamp Overgrowth Overgrowth Overgrowth
Royal Order Everett
Sterling Spade Jerboe Jerboe
"Ash Tray" DestroVA DestroVA DestroVA
Cinnamon Swirl Viola Rose Viola Rose
Incidental characters
Character Episode(s) Voiced by
Bailiffs 2-3, 2-4, 2-7,
2-8, and 2-9
2-4 DestroVA
Gallery Ponies 2-3 MLPMVGuy, YDGeon, Levi Francis, SK-VA, Overgrowth, James Boote, Jarvy Jared, Everett Toews, SilverFeathers
2-4 MLPMVGuy, YDGeon
2-9 Kalyn_VO, TheAljavis, Benjamin Dale, ParryPT

Turnabout Discharge[]

My Little Pony
Character 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5
Rainbow Dash MuseScript MuseScript
Rarity MLP Arts
Applejack CadetRedShirt
Pinkie Pie Mint
Spike IMShadow007
Sweetie Belle MLP Arts
Princess Celestia IMShadow007 IMShadow007
Trixie Phia Phia
Coco Pommel PrettyPegasusWings
Prince Blueblood ᵗʰᵉNight★Star
Spitfire Phia Phia
Ace Attorney
Character 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5
Phoenix Wright JuliusGem
Apollo Justice Webshoter
Trucy Wright Kalyn_VO
Judge DaWillstanator
Original characters
Character 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5
Sonata CadetRedShirt
Philo Reed ThatCanadianDude ThatCanadianDude
Playwright DJ Zapple
Fated Pursuit SK-VA
Equity SK-VA
Overall Concept Humble Humble
Amber Gleam Anihime
Cruise Control TwinSwords79
Private Eye Pretzelman718
Atticus TheGoldCrow
Estella Pantomimia RuneDune
Incidental characters
Character Episode(s) Voiced by
Guards 3-1 and 3-3 SouliaSora
Bailiffs 3-3 and 3-5 Benjamin Dale
Gallery Ponies 3-4 SouliaSora, RuneDune, KingXanaduu


My Little Pony
Character S1-1 S1-2 S1-4 S1-5 2-8.5 S2-1 S2-2
Twilight Sparkle MLP Arts
Rainbow Dash MLP Arts
Applejack Cadet-
Apple Bloom MLP Arts
Scootaloo Silver-
Sweetie Belle MLP Arts
Coco Pommel Pretty-
Princess Luna Goddess-
Princess Celestia ImShadow007
Ace Attorney
Character S1-2 S2-2
Phoenix Wright JuliusGem
Athena Cykes Adoxographist
Original characters
Character S1-3 S1-4 S1-5 2-8.5 S2-1
Turning Page Optic Rainfall
Fair Devotion Overgrowth
Equity SK-VA
Philo Reed ThatCanadianDude
Sterling Spade Jerboe
Cinnamon Swirl Viola Rose
Ambrose Marconi SK-VA
Quillian Inkheart Quillian Inkheart
Incidental characters
Character Episode(s) Voiced by
Crowd S2-2 DaWillstanator, SilverFeathers, SouliaSora
Train Conductor S2-2 DaWillstanator

Production team[]

  • Creator: TheAljavis
  • Director: TheAljavis (1-1 to 2-9), Benjamin Dale (2-9 to 3-4), Levi Francis (3-5 onward)
  • Assistant director: Benjamin Dale (2-4 to 2-8), Levi Francis (3-4)
  • Project managers: Everett Toews, DestroVA, Levi Francis, MrVectorMV, Benjamin Dale, PrettyPegasusWings, SilverFeathers
  • Team leaders:
    • Writing: DestroVA (2-3 to 2-9), Jarvy Jared (3-1 onward)
    • Voice acting: MLP Arts
    • Background art: SilverFeathers (2-3 onward), Null
    • Music: Jarvy Jared (2-4 onward)
    • Audio engineering: Levi Francis (2-3 onward)
    • Video editing: Kevin Randolph (2-3 to 2-4), Brunosky Inc. (2-5 onward)
    • Animation/rigging: MrVectorMV (2-3 to 3-1)
    • Bonds of Justice planning: Jarvy Jared, Trenton (2-9 onward)
    • Public relations: Jarvy Jared, Trenton (2-9 onward)
  • Writers: TheAljavis, Everett Toews, DestroVA, Andrethyst, Jarvy Jared, James Boote, PrettyPegasusWings, Trenton, Brittney S, Decora Fluff, Jin, OliveGreen, Dialback, RandomAccess, Suri-Da, Benjamin Dale
  • Script editors: Sinful2, Shift-1347, Zalleus, Animegx43, Benicthedragonhog, Smbzoo448, Jmkrebs30, EmberBlues, MGamer
  • Flashback/profile art: TheAljavis, Viola Rose, Saturn, PinkEscapade, Mint, SilverFeathers, MelodyMSG, AliciaDoodles, KoryPony
  • Concept art: TheAljavis, Bluebell, SilverFeathers, MariaMoonlight, Iduzu, KoryPony, Zecorasvensken, Rem Koshmar, CadetRedShirt
  • Background art: TheAljavis, Kimetics, Saturn, Viola Rose, SilverFeathers, Vchart920, CadetRedShirt, PrettyPegasusWings, KoryPony, YDGeon, Iduzu, Vivid V-Locity, AliciaDoodles, Null, MelodyMSG, Maria DaregiN, MariaMoonlight
  • Thumbnail art: TheAljavis, CadetRedShirt, AliciaDoodles, Saturn, Viola Rose, SilverFeathers, Maria DaregiN, Null
  • Still/evidence art: SilverFeathers, MariaMoonlight, AliciaDoodles, NosebleedFreak, Null, Rem Koshmar, Vivid V-Locity, shsl_sinistea, Maria DaregiN, Suri-Da
  • Visual novel assets: NihiABI
  • Musicians: Jarvy Jared, TheAljavis, JoinedTheHerd, Jyc Row
  • Audio engineers: Levi Francis, Joel, Benjamin Dale, SK-VA, PinkEscapade, HazyReply, Nox, KingXanaduu
  • Graphics: YDGeon, Levi Francis, SilverFeathers, Tyler Lambert
  • Video editors: TheAljavis, Kevin Randolph, Jerboe, EmeraldGD, Everett Toews, MrVectorMV, Levi Francis, SilverFeathers, Verdyger, Brunosky Inc., Ghost, 123connorpoop, Doc_Nguyen, JakubM, TragicWonder, Sylv, Bunster Productions
  • Animators/riggers: age3crm, MrVectorMV, SilverFeathers, PrettyPegasusWings, Cinder Clouds, Doc_Nguyen, Eon333, PinkEscapade, Twitchy-T
  • Ace Attorney sprites/models: Hesseldahl, Rajin, SuperAj3, SilverGS, rtsmarty, Deudeudeu, Croik, ReturnofthePhoenix, mercurialSK, SilverFeathers, TheAljavis, Levi Francis, Null
  • My Little Pony rigs: TheAljavis, TiredBrony, MintyRoot, DjBit-3, ForgottenPony, Ponies-in-Reverse, MrVectorMV, age3crm, SilverFeathers, Kevin Randolph, PrettyPegasusWings, PinkEscapade, Doc_Nguyen, Cinder Clouds, Eon333, ParryPT, CaramelDust, Puffy
  • My Little Pony vector art: Silver-Quill
  • Mood Matrix art: SilverFeathers
  • Case 3 credit sequence: SilverFeathers, Puffy, Arreshia, MelodyMSG, CaramelDust
  • Automation pipeline: Levi Francis, 123connorpoop, Pretzelman718
  • Public relations: Trenton, Brittney S, Decora Fluff, Jin, OliveGreen, Maria DaregiN, Suri-Da, Zecorasvensken, Benjamin Dale, JuliusGem, PrettyPegasusWings

Other works[]

Main article: My Little Ace Attorney: Elements of Justice/Other works

Bonus episodes[]

Title Premiere date Duration
01 A Hanging Omen April 15, 2023 2:50
Fully animated short; EBI detective Philo Reed investigates deeper into Overall Concept's death and shares his theories with Coco Pommel. Takes place between episodes 2-6 and 2-7.

Bonds of Justice[]

A side series to Elements of Justice called Bonds of Justice began on December 12, 2021. It is a series of audio dramas/shorts that center around side characters in Elements of Justice and develop them outside of the main series. The first five Bonds of Justice shorts make up "season 1" of the series, a "season 2" is currently in production.

Title Writer(s) Premiere date Duration
S1-1 Messages PrettyPegasusWings December 12, 2021 11:04
Coco Pommel's relationship with Overall Concept (the case victim in Turnabout Theatre) and her coping with his death is explored in a series of phone messages she left on his answering machine.
S1-2 Rainbow Blues Trenton, Brittney S, Decora Fluff, Jin, and OliveGreen April 16, 2022 15:48
Rainbow Dash airs her emotional frustrations at Phoenix over the development of Scootaloo's criminal arrest. Takes place between episodes 2-2 and 2-3.
S1-3 Guard Duty Trenton, Brittney S, Decora Fluff, Jin, and OliveGreen September 3, 2022 11:35
A conversation between guardponies Sterling Spade and Cinnamon Swirl during their guard duties at the Everfree Forest. Takes place during episode 2-5.
S1-4 Not Far From the Tree Trenton, Brittney S, Decora Fluff, Jin, and OliveGreen March 11, 2023 19:30
Apple Bloom's desire to help with Sweetie Belle's trial investigation puts her on a collision course with Lawkeeper Equity. Takes place during episode 2-8.
S1-5 On Valiant Wings Jarvy Jared, Trenton, Brittney S, Decora Fluff, Jin, and OliveGreen June 24, 2023 16:33
Following Sweetie Belle's trial, Scootaloo musters her bravery for a heart-to-heart chat with Turning Page. Takes place after episode 2-9.
S2-1 A Plea For Strength Trenton, Brittney S, Decora Fluff, Jin, Suri-Da, Jarvy Jared, and Benjamin Dale March 23, 2024 20:17
Princess Luna deals with the fallout of Sweetie Belle's trial and has a sister-to-sister talk with Princess Celestia. Takes place after episode 2-9.
S2-2 Stronger Together Jin, Brittney S, Trenton, and Benjamin Dale June 22, 2024 18:39
Sweetie Belle deals with the consequences of her actions during Crusading for a Turnabout and turns to Twilight and Athena for emotional support. Takes place during episode 3-3.

Halloween 2022 short[]

A Halloween-themed Elements of Justice short titled Why Can't They Be Friends, written by PrettyPegasusWings, was featured in Michelle Creber's "Halloween Monster Mashup" collaboration video on October 31, 2022. It focuses on the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Turning Page telling each other scary stories at the Crusaders' clubhouse.



Official trailer
(old version)
Official trailer
(2021 version)
Case 2 official trailer
Case 3 official trailer

Turnabout Theatre
Case 1-1
Case 1-2
Case 1-3

Crusading for a Turnabout
Case 2-1
Case 2-2
Case 2-3
Case 2-4
Case 2-5
Case 2-6
Case 2-7
Case 2-8
Case 2-8.5
Case 2-9

Turnabout Discharge
Case 3-1
Case 3-2
Case 3-3
Case 3-4
Case 3-5

Bonds of Justice
Story #1
Story #2
Story #3
Story #4
Story #5
Story #6
Story #7

Other videos
The Tongue-Tied Turnabout
(Case 1 bloopers)
Trial Preview
(April Fools' Day 2020)
Turnabout Special
(April Fools' Day 2022)
Turnabout Special #2
(April Fools' Day 2023)
Case 2 and BoJ S1
Tongue-Tied Turnabout #2
(Case 2 bloopers)


  • Originally, TheGoldCrow was going to reprise his Turnabout Storm role as Phoenix Wright. However, due to TheAljavis losing his recorded lines and TheGoldCrow being unavailable to re-record them, Phoenix was recast as JuliusGem.
    • The role of Trucy Wright was also intended for a different voice actress before Kalyn_VO was cast, until the original actress withdrew from the project for personal reasons.
    • TheGoldCrow was eventually cast in the series as Lawkeeper Atticus.
  • Turnabout Theatre was originally titled "Turnabout Fashion" and was to take place at a fashion show instead of a stage theater.
  • For the first four episodes of case 2, PrincessRil reprised her role as Twilight Sparkle from the cancelled fan-made MLP game My Little Investigations.

External links[]
