- For a list of pages for musicians on the wiki, see Music.
This page features a very short list. You can help the wiki by expanding it. Any musician can be added, whether they have a page on the wiki or not. |
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic fandom is unique in the enormous amount of music it inspires, likely thanks to the talent of the show's own music composers Daniel Ingram (songs) and Will Anderson (background music). Many musicians have made both remixes of songs from the show and original tracks.
Fan music varies greatly in genre, from various styles of music such as instrumental, composition, acoustic, rock, even rap/hip-hop, and of course EDM. Remixes of the many songs featured in the show are popular, but there has also been a great deal of original, pony-inspired music, including pony-related covers of other songs and all new compositions with original lyrics.
Here's an entire list of musicians (including either their former names or other names they go by) from back in 2011 to Present and still growing and improving (some may have already left, but some may still be here with us <3):
- *OuTbREak* (aka Gaiden, Component, Rucksterrrrr, Fiber Wire, Duskfall, Chasing Horizons, Operation System, District 5, Kickstand, 14 Days of Panic, Ghost Dances, Dead Letter Postman)
- • "/l:xical daze/;\ • (aka 2dotthings_, DEER VIOLENCE)
- 0neTr1ckP0ny
- 2007excalibur2007
- 3M0 DJ
- 3ternal
- 4EverfreeBrony
- 7th Stive
- 8-Bit Equestria
- A&R
- A2Z
- Acarcion (aka Mrs. Batty Wings)
- Acid Applejack
- Acouste Wholenote
- AcousticBrony
- AcoustiMandoBrony
- AdamMasterArt
- AdamTh3Walker (aka ATW, Maddie Tourmaline)
- Addictia
- Additive Subtractive (formerly Burst)
- Aeswa (aka Meccy, Dethryoea, K.G.)
- Afk (aka Aydrayythebeast)
- Aftermath
- Agatan
- Age Of Vinyl
- Agents of Discord (aka Corpulent Cartel)
- AJ Young
- Alex S.
- ALfiux
- Alikore
- All Levels at Once
- AlmightyFluttershine
- Altius Volantis
- AmongTheHerd
- Ampyri (formerly Ampderg)
- &I
- And The Rainfall
- AndNoOneDriving (aka WHATLIGHTS)
- AnimatedJames
- AnimatronicPony
- AnNy Tr3e
- A Symphony Of Two
- Aoshi
- Apex
- APMusic
- AppleBukker (aka @pplebukker)
- Aphylliate
- Aventrix
- 'Shy
- Applejinx
- ArchersOfAgincourt
- Archie
- Ardeleiz
- Arklysis (formerly Evgeniy Doctor)
- Army Gaben
- ArtAttack
- Arvianth
- AshleyH
- AspectOfTheStorm
- Assertive Fluttershy
- Astral Nova
- ATrixx Beriz
- AuraTheUnicorn
- Aurelleah
- Aurum Noble
- AussieAsher
- Automatrix
- Avery
- Aviators
- Avrx
- AWal
- AwkwardMarina
- Axiom Music
- Ayane Fukumi (aka DCIM)
- Baasik
- Bagpipe Brony (aka Psychgoth)
- bank pain
- Base Code
- BassBoostingBrony
- BassClef
- Bassoonify
- BassPon3
- Batouta
- BCafGun (aka Night Blaze)
- Belgerum
- Bexis
- Biscuit
- BL1NKY (formerly CoЯe-Ridor, aka ju.MP3/r)
- Black Electric
- Blackened Blue
- BlackGryph0n
- BlackIce
- BlacqJack
- Blastie Beats
- Blaze
- BlazeGriff1n
- Blazin'Beats
- BlueBrony
- Blue Note (aka Ponycide)
- BluNoseReindeer
- Bluu
- Bolt the Super-Pony
- Breakcore Pony
- Brilliant Venture
- Brodub
- BroniKoni
- Bronyfied
- BronyFX
- BronyMike
- Brony Militia
- Br0racle
- Brownie
- BrownPony
- Budzy
- Buffalo Brony
- Butterflight
- Caden L Welborn
- CadetRedShirt
- Caffeinated Pinkie
- Caine
- Calena
- Callenby
- Camelia
- Camsy34
- Canapplejack
- CaptainFluffatun
- CaptainWhirlwind
- Caticaty
- Carbon Maestro
- Cats Millionaire
- Cavalluccio
- C.D.I.
- Celestial Throne
- Chain Algorithm
- Chang31ing (aka Chees31egs)
- Charlie.EXE
- Chasing Dawn (aka WiLD.R)
- Checkerëd
- Cherax Destructor (aka CxDr)
- Cherry Blossom (aka MidnightFritz)
- Chi-chi
- Chordcatcher
- Chris Wöhrer
- Cii
- Circuitfry
- CisumClassic
- Claire Anne Carr
- Classic-Pon3
- ClaviSound
- Cloudbeat (aka Payyn, [snake], Glaucophane, halveron, revaniri, cyliae, EBZ, nauxsu, støy, Lyricwind, Elmbu, midnight dynasty, ringmaster, gatekeeper)
- Cloudcore (aka The Dark Cloud)
- Coconeru
- Coloriot
- Colortwelve
- Consort of Allegiance
- Coltcrusher
- CopyCat (aka MixMastaCopyCat, King Josiah, sleepyXTRA)
- Cosmic Kingdoms
- Counterwise
- Crashie Tunez
- Crossover
- Crusader!
- Crystal Slave
- Crystarium
- CyberHarley
- Cynifree (formerly Euphonixx)
- Cyril the Wolf
- Dalken Starbyne
- Dante Aurora
- Darkspeen Shore
- Dark Symphony
- Dark Wind
- DAϟH (aka PoniPlague, Complete Disregard For Pony Life, fanta§y, Ponut Pulse)
- Dash-N
- Dat1Pony (aka DaPony and Demon3Mangos)
- Dauntless Dan
- DaWillstanator
- dBPony
- Decibelle
- Def Pon1 DJ
- DEF-Pwny
- Delfino*
- DeloreandudeTommy
- Del Rom (aka RKDM)
- Delta Brony
- ƥRYZ
- Derpidety
- DerpyCrash
- Dethonator the Metal Brony
- Dev the Robot
- DezmoondPony
- Dipi11
- Direct Current
- Ditherer
- Ditzy
- Divine Arcane
- DivinumX
- Dizzy Inmotion
- DJ Buckalot
- DJ Bron3
- DJ Endr3alm
- DJ Fistbuck
- Dj Gestap
- DJ Midli
- DJ Ponyfield
- Dj Shadow
- DJ Soru
- DJRedSkY
- d.notive
- Doofcake
- Donn DeVore
- Doodled
- Doomwad765
- DongleKumquat
- DoTheDaringDew
- Dijit (formerly DJT)
- Draconequus(DYLZAL)
- Drago Cheese
- Drakonic
- Dr Dissonance
- DrDycer
- Dreamchan
- Dreamer
- Drixale
- Dr. R4MS
- Drummershy
- Dubnatrix (aka Phaux)
- Dustykatt
- dyedquartz
- Dynamite Grizzly (formerly Bass Rabbit)
- EA
- Earfist
- Echelon
- Eclipsing Rainbows
- eClypse
- edmQuicksilver
- eery
- EileMonty
- Einarx
- eksoka
- ElectroKaplosion
- Elias Frost
- EllectriVore
- Elspongie
- EM120X
- EmberDash
- EnergyTone (aka EnergyBrony)
- Enermatrix
- Eniix
- EnsionD
- Enuxa
- Equestria Electric Symphony Orchestra (EESO)
- Equestrian Lord
- ertrii
- Eternum
- Ethan Toavs
- Etherium Apex
- Eurobeat Brony
- Evdog
- Evening Star
- Event HoriXZ0n
- EverfreeLuna
- Everyday Dashie
- Evr!
- Exiark
- ExplodingPonyToast
- eXtaticus
- Facade of Ages (aka Facade, Façade)
- Facexplodie
- False Positive
- fatcat44101
- Faulty
- Faux Snyder
- Feather
- FelonOnBass
- F3nning
- FenPony
- Feral FurE
- Ferexes
- Fetlocked
- Fidzu
- Filly in the Box
- Firehoof (Amy)
- FireSpitter
- Fiveskin
- Flaedr
- Flak (aka Aeris)
- flankƨy
- FLAOFEI (aka Colt Do Bad)
- Flashing Lights
- Flightless
- FlightRush
- Flittzy (aka ChickenSteve)
- Flutterlover
- Flutterpride
- Flutterwhat
- Flyghtning
- Foozogz
- forcedemodo
- Forest Rain
- ForeverFreest
- Forgiveness & Anguish
- Fractex
- FraGmenTd
- Freewave
- FritzyBeat
- Frozen Night
- FruityFusion
- Futret
- GatoPaint
- GaugeN
- GeekBrony
- General Mumble (aka Spott, Daemien, Genreal Mymbloe, Rotløs, Blueschist, 77p egg)
- Ghelded Kultz
- GhostXb
- Glacier Frost
- Glexes
- Glitchhog
- Glitchling
- Gloomrot (aka Rubber)
- GrazySmash
- Greyfade
- GROskAr
- Gryfinz
- Gryphon Rush
- H8_Seed
- Haardtek
- Harmtronic
- Haymaker
- Hay Tea
- Heartsong (aka Cadenza Heartsong, Doctor Symphony)
- Helius
- Hirosashii
- Homage McGee
- Hoofy (formerly Brohoof Studios)
- Hydra
- HydroAmbience
- Ibeabronyrapper
- iblank2apples
- iBringDaLULZ
- Ice Angel
- Icky (aka TheEpicUlasht and DJ Icky) Formerly System of A Equestria Girls
- Igna
- IHazAPone
- Illumnation
- Illya Leonov
- Ilysabeth
- ImTheMoon
- Indie Notes
- Injustrial
- InklingBear (aka fractilx, アイスベア, インクキツネ, H스🐻)
- Inkwel
- Insanity
- Interrobang Pie (aka ıpı)
- Intersekt
- Iron Curtain
- ischi vezon (aka LOVELY BOY STORY)
- ISMBOFepicly
- Itchigotchi
- IvoryStrike
- Jackie Lombards
- JackleApp
- JackTHerbert
- Jacqueling (formerly Burning Gryphon)
- Jalmaan
- Jasmin Dreasond
- Jastrian
- JayB
- J Carlson
- Jeffthestrider
- Jemztar
- Joaftheloaf
- John Doe (aka Wandering Artist)
- John Kenza (aka Ryleo Goldridge, formerly Kadenza)
- JoinedTheHerd
- Jokeblue
- Jonny Music
- JOSHH Music
- JP Hyper
- Jupiter Maroon (aka ROKii)
- Just Fern (aka Jeff Burgess)
- Jyc Row
- Kakofonous A. Dischord
- KaleKatz
- Kallo Skull
- Kat Vwj
- Ken Ashcorp
- Kenny Tweek (KENNY LIXOSO)
- KevinOK
- KILXYU (aka Mutilatedog, KILXYU H.S.P., A.I. Mortality, インクキツネ)
- King Spooky Pickles
- Knife Pony
- Knights of the Crystal Empire
- Koa
- Koron Korak
- Koroshi-Ya
- Korw
- Kozmos
- Kreühn Pöny
- Kumquaticus
- Kyoga
- Kyradeen (formerly RoomVR)
- LaserPon3
- LavaLectrode
- Lavender Harmony
- Lazy Thursday
- Le Soldat Pony
- Lectro Dub
- Legion
- Lenich
- Lesbian Man
- Level None
- LeWuut
- Lexie
- lia;quo
- Liam King
- Lianella Stilson
- Light Assassin
- Light Veins
- Lightning Collector
- Likonan
- Lily Stilson
- lixound (formerly Ryazan)
- L.M.
- Lois Cook (aka Blind Hyena)
- Lon3
- LoneBronyProductions
- loophoof
- Lorris (aka Power Note, ROSACE PONY)
- Loudsdale
- Lovestruck Brony
- Luck Rock
- Lukarika
- Luminn
- Luna Jax
- Lunar Beatz
- Lunar Cakez
- Lunar Dance
- Lunar Drift
- LutariFan
- Lyonize
- M-47
- Mad Mars
- Mane In Green
- Maudulator
- Magicked
- MagnaDrake
- Makkon
- MandoPony
- Mandrasigma
- Mantlegen
- MaoMao27
- mare of ectoplasm
- Markarian
- MathematicPony
- Mathematicus (aka Mathie)
- Matías Peñaloza
- Matt Roberson (PinkiePieSwear)
- Matthew Mosier
- Max Ehrat
- Max Initial
- MC-Arch
- McChippy
- MCO945
- MC Fluttershy
- Megaphoric
- Mega PoNEO
- MelodicPony
- MelodyBrony
- Melody Beats
- Metajoker
- MetalCorePony
- Metapony
- MG
- Michael A.
- Michael Pallante
- Michael Picher
- µThunder
- Michelle Creber
- MicTheMicrophone
- Midwives Of Discord
- MiJyn
- mikuma (aka Xavi, Kawaii Dash)
- MilesKintnerMusic
- Minty Love (formerly Bluee Mint)
- MirroredReality
- Mischief Max
- MishaDaDoggo (aka MeetSouder)
- Mist Flare
- MiuMiuChuu
- MixiPony
- Modern Bard
- Mogul Dash
- Moon Song
- Mordecai Mapper (aka Project Mo)))rd, dj devil meatspin, Madoka Mapper, Mordecai Carthographer, Akuma, 心のこもった公園)
- Morgsch
- Morphmoon
- Mr. A.M.
- MrCrackles
- MrMehster
- MRPPony (aka DJ KayinKento)
- Mrs. Batty Wings
- Mr.Sunset
- Mush
- Mutagen
- Mycutiemarkisagun
- MyLittleVisuals
- Mylo the Kidd
- MysteriousBronie
- Mystery
- Mystic Genesis
- N. Hollow
- N4ghtwolf (aka Silas Meyer)
- N64Controller
- Nameless Warning
- Namii
- Narflarg
- Nargorra
- Narokath
- Navy Brony
- NeedsMoreFur
- Neighsayer
- NekoWolf
- NeoN
- Neon Lights
- Neon Jalapeño
- Nettohunden
- Neu KatalYst
- Neurotoksyn
- NeverLastStanding
- Nevermourn
- NewPatrol
- Nexaka
- Nexgen
- NextLevelDerp
- NickyD
- Nicolas Dominique (aka LANTERNS)
- NightCrow
- Nightmare Lyre
- Night Symphony
- Nightraxx (Roaring Rhythm)
- Nikki Layne
- NitroBrony
- Niłch'i Poni (aka F 109, Vaikuse)
- Noizepon
- Noizzer
- NotACleverPony
- Note Wise
- Notion
- NoTrinity
- Nowacking
- Nugget
- Nymira
- Ocean Melody
- OhPonyBoy
- Onak-P
- One Track Mind
- One Wing
- Orion Melody
- Osoch
- Outside The Day
- Overkillius
- Pagan Pegasus
- Paloris
- Paspie
- Peak Freak
- PegasYs (aka KeyBird)
- PeKaNo (aka Gulloe, Oyama, Kxenath, DJ SPEEEEDPEK, GulloHack)
- Pencil Eraser
- PengWinBrony
- Perfecta
- PERNE (formerly Pernegyre, DarklyWarning)
- PHES (aka FilledSilhoutte)
- Phileo
- PhonicB∞m (aka .wavMangler, CosmicLatte, Dude Smoothie)
- PhonyBrony
- Phoxi (aka PVNK, Twiggy)
- Pipetka
- Pinkamena Party Crew
- PinkaCreep
- Pinkie Cake
- Pinkie Guy
- Piranhaplant
- Pixel Heartz
- Plum Creek Rhythm Section
- PMVMusicStudios
- PONE177
- Poni1Kenobi
- Pony Abstract (aka Pony Ab𐌔tract)
- ponycutz
- PonyFireStone
- Ponylution
- Pony Music
- Ponyphonic
- Ponysphere
- Ponytronic
- PrinceWhateverer
- Proctra
- Progressive Element
- Proto_ssin
- Protocat
- Przewalski's Ponies
- PSFMer
- Psychedelic Brony
- Ptepix
- Pucherin
- PurpleRoselyn
- Quadrivia
- Quicksilver (aka idkQuicksilver)
- QuietDuckMUSIC
- r_chase (aka Sour Thumb, Mr. Schitz, Metamato, Koolant, Diinq, Jumpin' Manx, Swarp, Voidroa)
- Rabies Bun
- Radiarc
- RadixMusic
- Raging Rarity
- RainbowCrash88 (aka RC88, Stuart Ferguson)
- RainbowDashie
- Rainb0w Dashie (posts instrumentals to his Gelding moniker)
- RareRhyme
- Rarity Advocate
- Rathman
- Raven Horn
- RD ED (aka Hysterical Dash)
- Redd Pony (aka Crystarium)
- RedSpark
- Remember Falling (formerly Sights Unseen)
- Renard
- Replacer
- respin
- Rev897
- Reverb Brony
- Rhyme Flow
- ricardofr-200
- Riovelk
- Risen
- Rockin'Brony
- Romstar
- Rossiboys
- Royalpony
- Rusty Thorsell
- Rouge Angel
- Ryan Pegasynth
- Sable Symphony (formerly MetalPony)
- Sam Quak Brony
- SampleMousse (aka ABStURD)
- SandJosieph
- Saphire Systrine
- Sawtooth Waves (Formally The Brony Notion)
- Sayonara Maxwell
- sc.Dave! (aka davhors!, fafilulo., Dave!)
- Schatz (aka 16194, qzqor, TAKARA, ᄂDJ ϮᖇɅSサᄀ␡2 - "THE REVENGE??")
- sci (aka anosa)
- Scorch
- Scraton (P0N3)
- Screams From Equestria
- SDreamExplorerS
- Secret Metal
- Segments Of Life
- Senntenial
- SeriousDamir (aka Witch Of Despair, Serpentin, Melancholy Radio)
- Seven Ponies
- Seventh Element
- ShadTK
- Shade Ponisinger
- ShadyVox
- ShalMusicFX
- Shining Chord
- ShinZm Music
- ShobieShy
- Shuffle Horse (aka VecodeX)
- Silva Hound
- Silver Note
- Silver Paradox
- Silverwing
- SimGretina
- Single Purpose
- SkelePone
- Skelter
- Sky
- SkyBolt
- Sky Runner
- SlightlyAmiss
- Slitherkitty (formerly BronyMirage)
- SLMR (aka Genius Incredible)
- SlyphStorm
- SmD House
- So?ing Machine (aka Saltbearer)
- SoaringFlight
- SoGreatandPowerful
- Solrac
- Somasis
- SongbirdChoir
- Sonic Breakbeat
- Sonic Rainboom (aka jex)
- Sonic.z.Hooves (Kelvin C.H.Reverie)
- Soren Ember
- sound bandit
- Soundnix
- SP1TF1R3
- sp33dy-dash (aka lord of speed, Distorted Maniac, wessel, bakery)
- Sparklight Productions
- Speedweaver
- Spectra
- Spikey Wikey (aka pon3)
- SpinScissor
- Sprocket
- SquareHead
- Srgt. Moon
- Stablefree
- Stallionslaughter
- Starbourne
- Starlight
- StealingShad3Z aka ProtoShadez
- Steampowered Clock
- SteelChords
- Steryotype
- Steven, A.D.
- StormWolf
- StrachAttack
- StringStorm
- Stripe x
- SunnyB
- Supersaw Hoover (aka Zovi, Mares, Whitehorse)
- Suskii
- ֆաǟɢɢ ɮʀօռɨɨ
- Sweet Apple Hardcore Front
- Swerve Keystyle
- Swiftone
- Swiftwind
- Synthis
- syzygy.
- SzinThom
- Tadpole
- Takaki
- Talirian
- Tarby
- Technickel Pony
- TeiThePony
- TempestShadow (aka Pegapony) (has sadly passed)
- Tempus
- TenderFlutter
- Tenseconds10
- Terrinatic
- ThatMusicBrony
- ThatRobChap
- ThatSonofaMitch
- The Beatle Bronies
- TheClosetBrony (aka TCB)
- The Combine
- The Cosine Pitchshifterz
- TheDashDub
- TheDumplingz
- TheEpiPony
- TheHappyPony
- The Living Tombstone
- The L-Train
- The Lyde Octave
- The Midnight Musician
- TheMusicReborn
- The Pulse Wave Project
- The Runner
- The Seapony Orchestra
- The Shake Ups In Ponyville
- The Wasteland Wailers
- TheTaZe
- TheWanderingKit
- Thorinair
- Thunder Dash
- Thrasher
- Thyrai
- Toby Macarony
- Too Taken
- Tortur
- Totalspark
- ToXcMoon
- TPressleyJ
- Tridashie
- trixieQxx
- Trixent (aka Tripon)
- Tsyolin
- Turquoise Splash
- TuXe
- Tw3Lv3
- TwentyTen
- Twiggy
- Twitch
- tworats
- Ukon
- UndreamedPanic
- Unikorn
- Unity Of Factors
- Vaceslav (aka Francis Vace)
- Vagahbond
- Valoria
- Vanilla Twilight
- Varia
- Velvet R. Wings
- Vencelian
- Vinyl Love
- Vinyl.rawr
- Violin Melody
- Viricide Filly (aka Wissshhh, Vortrex of Crap)
- Virus Ponies
- Vladnuke
- Vocal Score (aka VocalScorePony)
- Vocoded_Glasses
- Voltex Pixel
- VooDoo
- Voodoo Pup
- voodoopony
- Vortex of Crap
- vul
- Vylet Pony
- Warbalist
- Water Horse
- WeimTime
- When Hooves Meet Face
- Whirly Tail (aka Quorak)
- Whitehorse
- White Water Black Sheep (aka ExoBassTrix, Xalpheon, Warmonger O)
- Wind Wolf
- WoodenToaster (aka Glaze)
- Woody
- WoodLore
- Wootmaster
- WRAY (aka Gluteus Maximus Equus)
- Wubcake
- x-bunwitch
- xTheDubstepGirls
- XXDarkShadow79XX
- Yanamosuda (aka 弥奈モス田)
- Yellow Tune (aka 174UDSI)
- YourEnigma
- zahqo
- Zatslol
- Zephysonas
- Zizkil
- zorg
- Zythiria