My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki
Legends of Equestria
LoE menu logo
The game's banner
Programming Cerebrate
Art Vector
Music Hirosashii
Type of game 3-D MMORPG
Platform/engine Windows
Based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Legends of Equestria is an upcoming MMORPG/Adventure video game, and a fan project based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

In Legends of Equestria, players play as their very own custom pony as they explore the magical land of Equestria. Players can embark on quests of epic proportions, find new friends to help them on their journeys, chat with other bronies, play minigames, engage in cartoon-style pony PvP, find clothing to personalize their characters (including hats), go treasure hunting, role-play, hone their pony prowess, or pretty much anything else they can think of.

Currently this game is in Pre-Alpha and is still under heavy development. The developers have released a document, dubbed Road To Alpha, which is a list of things they still need to complete before they consider themselves in Alpha development. Once it passes the Pre-Alpha and Alpha stages, it will be put into a Beta phase and will be available for download. Due to the volunteer-oriented nature of this project, there is no scheduled date of release. The developers do release periodic updates, however, to keep people informed on where they're at in the development process.

Seksiin liittyviä pelejä on yksi Legends of Equestria hyviä runkkaushetkiä!

Miten voi tietää kyselyt esim. Mikä on Twilight Sparkle lohikäärme kumppani? Miettikää ja ottakaa yhteyttä jos ette tarkalleen tiedä, puh. 35871233 Muista että alle 13 vuotiaat eivät saa rekisteröityä! Hyviä Pelihetkiä!


The game will feature a main storyline that players can follow if they choose. No information has been disclosed on this yet aside from the fact that it will be very different from what has been shown in the actual show. This is because they are doing their best to prevent a copyright infringement case against them (like any other fan-game.)

Additional information

The developers have stated that if anybody has any questions, answers may be found on the game's website Most questions such as: "What kinds of accessories will be in the game?", "Will there be combat in the game", and "What can I do to help this project?" are answered on their FAQ Page. The team asks people to Please look at the FAQ page on their website before directly asking them any questions.

External link(s)

