Twilight Sparkle human vector
Twilight Sparkle's pony and human forms
Rainbow Dash's human and pony forms
Fluttershy's pony and human forms
Applejack's pony and human forms
Rarity's pony and human forms
Pinkie Pie's pony and human forms
Apple Bloom's pony and human forms
Scootaloo's pony and human forms
Sweetie Belle's pony and human forms
Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle
Twilight, Cadance, Flash and Shining Armor
Celestia's pony and human forms
Luna's pony and human forms
Derpy's pony and human forms
Trixie's pony and human forms
Sunset Shimmer's pony and human forms
Vinyl, Flash Sentry, Big MacIntosh, and Lyra
Vinyl, Sweetie Belle, Twilight, Sunset, Octavia
Button Mash and Sweetie Belle
Pinkamena, Lightning Dust, Octavia, Spitfire and Gilda
Human Twilight Sparkle in a dress
Human Rainbow Dash in a dress
Human Pinkie Pie in a dress
Human Applejack in a dress
Human Fluttershy in a dress
Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike on Nightmare Night
Princess Cadance and Queen Chrysalis
Gilda and Gustave Le Grand
Diamond Dogs (Rover, Fido & Spot)
Humanized Rarity Takes Manehattan
Assorted episode scene sketches
Both versions of Twilight Sparkle
Both versions of Rainbow Dash
Both versions of Pinkie Pie
Both versions of Applejack
Both versions of Fluttershy
Full body shot of the mane cast.
Rarity in "Sweet and Elite"
Rarity in "The Crystal Empire"
Trixie in Equestria Girls
Twilight and Trixie on Nightmare Night
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy
Fluttershy and Big McIntosh in the Ponytones
Fleur de Lis, Fluttershy, Gilda, Photo Finish, Rarity, and Princess Luna
Flitter, Cloudchaser, Daring Do, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and Roseluck
Assorted character lineup
Assorted character lineup 2
Twilight, Spike, and Zecora
Twilight and Shining Armor
Young Twilight and Shining Armor
Shining Armor and Princess Cadance
Minuette, Lyra, and Twinkleshine
Canterlot Wedding Pinkie Pie and Vinyl Scratch
Canterlot Wedding Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash
Canterlot Wedding Applejack and Rarity
Canterlot Wedding Twilight Sparkle
Star Gazer, Sir Pony Moore, Lyrica Lilac, and Fine Line
Caesar, Sealed Scroll, Royal Ribbon, and Charm
Humanized Nightmare Moon.
RD making a Sonic Rainboom as a human
Human Rarity crying in bed
Human Rarity as a beatnik
The human Cutie Mark Crusaders in a group hug
Twilight Sparkle by Vincerity
Pinkie Pie wearing the Anklet of Laughter
Twilight Sparkle in EarthBound
Rainbow Dash in EarthBound
Princess Celestia in EarthBound
Princess Luna in EarthBound
Princess Cadance in EarthBound
Human versions of the bullies from Sonic Rainboom.
Human Spike with human Twilight Sparkle
Human Big Macintosh with human Apple Bloom.
Human Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle with human Apple Bloom.
human Snips and Snails with human Big Macintosh, Spike and Braeburn.
Human Prince Blueblood with the human princess sisters.
Human Trixie with human Twilight
The main cast as human males, with Spike as a girl.
Human Snips and Snails again.
Human Chief Thunderhooves and others
Humans Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon
Human Hoity Toity and Photo Finish
Human Octavia and Vinyl Scratch
Human Rarity and Twilight Sparkle as Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever.
Human Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy.
Human Pinkie Pie and Applejack as Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie.
Human Fancypants with human Rarity.
Human Apple Bloom spying on Human Zecora.
Another group picture of the Mane 6.
Humanized Ponies by miss-goodness on Deviantart.
Fancypants and Fleur de Lis
humen main characters of mlp
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna
Diamond Tiara and Garble's pals
The Mane 6 and the Princesses
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in EarthBound-Covered in Soot
Derpy and Dr. Whooves in EarthBound
Octavia and Vinyl Scratch (DJ Pon-3) in EarthBound
Pinkie and Maud in EarthBound