Gender switches are a common occurrence in fan art. Gender switching, also known as Rule 63, is when a female character is transformed into a male character, and vice versa.
Mane 6 profiles [ ]
Rainbow Blitz (Trotsworth)
Bubble Berry (Trotsworth)
Butterscotch (Trotsworth)
Mane 6 Singing the Crystal Empire Song (Wicklesmack)
What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me
R63 Equestria Boys (Jaquelin)
Mane 6 images [ ]
Bubble Berry (Over a Barrel)
Mane 6 Meeting of destiny (Trotsworth)
Mane 6 Grand Galloping Gala Suits (Trotsworth)
Elusive wants to be known
Mane Six Group picture (Trotsworth)
The 3rd alternate universe (Trotsworth)
I'll get all the Apples mahself! *Poke* Ow (Trotsworth)
Gotta Share, Gotta Care (Trotsworth)
Supporting characters [ ]
Lord Solaris (Trotsworth)
Lord Solaris (Trotsworth)
Darkhorse Knight (Trotsworth)
Prince Artemis (Jaquelindreamz)
The Great and Powerful Maximilian
The Cutie Mark Crusaders meet their masculine counterparts
Rainbow Dash and Soarin/Rainbow Blitz and Glide
Prince Solaris fighting King Metamorphosis
Prince Solaris fighting King Metamorphosis 2
Putting our differences aside
Two Best Brothers play Portal 2
Daunting Deeds and the Caliphate's Curse
Applejack and the Shim Sham Sisters
Lightning Powder (Jaquelindreamz)
Star Shine and Moon Light
Gleaming Shield and Prince Bolero
Butter Cake and Coffee Cake
Grown up Cutie Mark Cavaliers
Regal Dress and Coat of Arms
Grampy Smith, Applebuck, and Macareina
Flare Warden (Jaquelindreamz)
Cheese Sandwich and His Female Counterpart Cheesy Cake
Count Falsetto (Countess Coloratura) by MorbidHorrors
The Great and Powerful Tristan (Evilfrenzy)
Background characters [ ]
Derpo, dressed up for his bride, Derpy. That's incestuous...
Doctress Whooves/Time Twist
Apple Munchies and Apple Bread
Wheat Brew and Cherry Pop
Snowplow (aka Roid Reign)
Flyby Night (Night Glider) by StarryOak
Other [ ]
Ponies with Genderswap Hair
R63 MLP G1 Cast: Dusk, Applejack, Ambush, Firebolt, Spark, and Prance (Jaquelindreamz)
Cutie Mark Crusaders with Genderswap Hair
Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine
The Unexpected Lovelife of Dusk Shine - Lesson 1
Female 6 (From left to right) Time Twist (Time Turner) Flare Warden (Flash Sentry) Glide (Soarin)Trendy Style (Trenderhoof) Macerina (Big Mac) and Cheesy Cake (Cheese Sandwich)
See also [ ]
External link [ ]