My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki
Silent Falleym 4: The Dark Envoy
Creator(s) Cybertronix Games/Dark Seekers Studio
Date published April 4, 2020
Type of game Psychological Horror, Nightmare Horror
Platform/engine Windows/CyberX Engine
Part of Silent Falleym
Based on Silent Falleym

Silent Falleym 4: The Dark Envoy is fan made My Little Pony game and the fourth game in Silent Falleym franchise. Published by Cybertronix Games and developed by Dark Seekers Studio.


Being a foal, Melinda Linds became a witness to the death of her parents and police with detectives were unable to find the killers, once while collecting old things she found an old book that contained the ritual for summoning the dark god Metatrox. Blinded by a desire for revenge, she performed a ritual. Metatrox gave her powers, but warned, when Silent Falleym will plunge into a nightmare, his servants will come for her essence. The day of reckoning has come, but Melinda refused to give the essence and did kill the servants. Fallen into a rage Metatrox, summoned his champion and right hand, the Reaper, which got instructed to find and take the essence from Melinda by force.


Silent Falleym 4: The Dark Envoy is strongly differ from the previous installations. For the first time in series, accent was set to combat and its speed. Character is much weaker which opens the way of the different endings for battles. In those aspects Silent Falleym 4: The Dark Envoy more reminds other franchise Price of Fear.


The game generally received positive and at the same time, the mixed reviews mostly by old players. The old players have critice the serious avoiding from the original roots while the new ones vice versa have welcomed such changes.

Other pluses were mentioned: improved graphics, better-polished gameplay, and darker style.

As and the other games Silent Falleym 4: The Dark Envoy got the title "The Best Pony Horror".


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